一、Baytek GmbH简介
德国Baytek GmbH是一家成熟的专业显示器、面板PC和关键应用的PC生产商。Baytek GmbH集开发、生产、管理一体化,注重灵活、个性化和效率,从而快速可靠地实现客户要求。Baytek生产的专业显示器、面板PC等主要有应用于雷达、军事应用、海事、移动工作、工业等领域。
二、Baytek GmbH产品
专业系列的显示器完全根据各自计划的应用领域进行设计、制造、测试和认证,从而保证在恶劣环境中所需的 27/7/365 使用寿命。
Baytek 的产品组合提供具有不同 CPU 技术的非常强大的平板电脑,适用于要求苛刻的应用,尤其是在恶劣条件下。
借助用于监控和广播的平板电脑,Baytek 提供了理想的解决方案,无论是在公海、演播室还是移动使用。
坚固耐用的 BRC 计算机保证用户,特别是在移动 MIL 领域,经认证的耐用性。
三、Baytek GmbH型号
1.Baytek BRC 4H19-SI5
Rugged Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
2.Baytek BRC Mobile HI5
Mobile rugged Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
3.Baytek BRC 4H19-SI3
Rugged Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
4.Baytek BRC Mobile SI7
Mobile rugged Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
5.Baytek BRC 4H19-HI7
Rugged Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
6.Baytek2101XW BMG-IPMV
Broadcast Monitoring Gateway: IPTV/OTT Multiviewer & Network Analyzer
7.Baytek BRC 4H19-HI3
Rugged Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
8.Baytek BRC/BQC Box PC SI3
Rugged Box Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
9.Baytek BRC Mobile SI5
Mobile rugged Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
10.Baytek BRC 4H19-SI7
Rugged Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
11.Baytek BRC Mobile HI3
Mobile rugged Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
12.Baytek BRC Mobile HI7
Mobile rugged Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
13.Baytek BRC Mobile SI3
Mobile rugged Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
14.Baytek BRC 4H19-HI5
Rugged Computer BRC with modular CPU Concept
15.Baytek BQR 91010,4" TFT DisplaySVGA (800x600)4:3
Rugged 10.4“ Data/Video Monitor for MIL Applications
16.Baytek 1102XW-VU4-IP10,4" TFT DisplayWUXGA (1920x1200)16:10
IPTV-OTT Network Analyzer
17.Baytek BayQad 61010,4" TFT DisplayVGA (640x480)4:3
Rugged 10.4" Stand-alone Data/Video Monitor for Tripod Mounting
18.Baytek BayQad 610 X10,4" TFT DisplayXGA (1024x768)4:3
High Resolution 10.4" Stand-alone Data/Video Monitor for Tripod Mounting
19.Baytek BayPanel 61010,4" TFT DisplayVGA (640x480)4:3
Industrial 10.4" Monitor for Rack-/Console Mounting
20.Baytek BayQad 612 X12,1" TFT DisplayXGA (1024x768)4:3
High Resolution 12.1" Stand-alone Data/Video Monitor for Tripod Mounting
21.Baytek BayPanel 61212,1" TFT DisplaySVGA (800x600)4:3
Industrial 12.1" Monitor for Rack-/Console Mounting
22.Baytek BayQad 61212,1" TFT DisplaySVGA (800x600)4:3
Rugged 12.1" Stand-alone Data/Video Monitor for Tripod Mounting
23.Baytek Baytek BQC 81515" TFT DisplayXGA (1024x768)4:3
Rugged 15.0" Panel PC for Tripod Mounting
24.Baytek BayQad 61515" TFT DisplayXGA (1024x768)4:3
Rugged 15.0" Stand-alone Data/Video Monitor for Tripod Mounting
25.Baytek BayPanel 61515" TFT DisplayXGA (1024x768)4:3
Industrial 15.0" Monitor for Rack-/Console Mounting
26.Baytek BayQad 7156 SDI15,6" TFT DisplayFullHD 1080p (1920x1080)16:9
Rugged 15.6" Stand-alone SDI Monitor for Tripod Mounting
27.Baytek BayQad 715615,6" TFT DisplayFullHD 1080p (1920x1080)16:9
Rugged 15.6" Stand-alone Data Monitor for Tripod Mounting
28.Baytek BayQad 615615,6" TFT DisplayFullHD 1080p (1920x1080)16:9
Rugged 15.6" Stand-alone Monitor for Tripod Mounting
29.Baytek BQM 81717" TFT DisplaySXGA (1280x1024)5:4
Maritime 17.0" Automation Monitor for Tripod Mounting
30.Baytek BQC 817 FT17" TFT DisplaySXGA (1280x1024)5:4
Rugged 17.0" Panel PC with Functionskeys
31.Baytek BayQad 71717" TFT DisplaySXGA (1280x1024)5:4
Rugged 17.0" Stand-alone Daten/Video Monitor for Tripod Mounting
32.Baytek BQR 101717" TFT DisplaySXGA (1280x1024)5:4
Rugged 17“ Data/Video Monitor for MIL Applications
33.Baytek BayPanel 71717" TFT DisplaySXGA (1280x1024)5:4
Industrial 17.0" Monitor for Rack-/Console Mounting
34.Baytek BayPanel 71818,5" TFT DisplayFullHD 1080p (1920x1080)16:9
Naval 18.5" Monitor for Rack-/Console Mounting
35.Baytek BayQad 185W18,5" TFT DisplayFullHD 1080p (1920x1080)16:9
Rugged 18.5" Monitor for Tripod Mounting
361.Baytek BPM 71919" TFT DisplaySXGA (1280x1024)5:4
Maritime 19.0" Monitor for ECDIS &/or Radar Applications
37.Baytek BQR 101919" TFT DisplaySXGA (1280x1024)5:4
Rugged 19.0“ Data/Video Monitor for MIL Applications
38.Baytek BayPanel 71919" TFT DisplaySXGA (1280x1024)5:4
Industrial 19.0" Monitor for Rack-/Console Mounting
39.Baytek BayQad 91919" TFT DisplaySXGA (1280x1024)5:4
Rugged 19.0" Stand-alone Data/Video Monitor for Tripod Mounting
40.Baytek BRL 71919" TFT DisplaySXGA (1280x1024)5:4
Rugged 19.0" Monitor for Rack/Console/Tripod Mounting - S Connectors
41.Baytek BayPanel 820 - EOL20,1" TFT DisplayUXGA (1600x1200)4:3
Industrial 20.1" Monitor for Rack-/Console Mounting
42.Baytek BRL 720 - EOL20,1" TFT DisplayUXGA (1600x1200)4:3
Rugged 20.1" Monitor for Console/Tripod Mounting - S Connectors
43.Baytek BPM 720 - EOL20,1" TFT DisplayUXGA (1600x1200)4:3
Maritime 20.1" Monitor for ECDIS &/or Radar Applications
44.Baytek BPM 721 - EOL21,3" TFT DisplayUXGA (1600x1200)4:3
Maritime 21.3" Monitor for ECDIS &/or Radar Applications
45.Baytek BayPanel 821 - EOL21,3" TFT DisplayUXGA (1600x1200)4:3
Industrial 21.3" Monitor for Rack-/Console Mounting
46.Baytek BQR 1021 - EOL21,3" TFT DisplayUXGA (1600x1200)4:3
Rugged 21.3“ Data Monitor for MIL Applications
47.Baytek BRL 823 - EOL23,1" TFT DisplayUXGA (1600x1200)4:3
Rugged 23.1" Monitor for Rack Mounting - S Connectors
48.Baytek BPM 723 - EOL23,1" TFT DisplayUXGA (1600x1200)4:3
Maritime 23.1" Monitor for ECDIS &/or Radar Applications
49.Baytek BRL 82424" TFT DisplayWUXGA (1920x1200)16:10
Rugged 24.0" Monitor for Console/Tripod Mounting - S Connectors
50.Baytek BPM 72424" TFT DisplayFullHD 1080p (1920x1080)16:9
Maritime 24.0" Widescreen Monitor for ECDIS &/or Radar Applications
51.Baytek BRL 72424" TFT DisplayFullHD 1080p (1920x1080)16:9
Rugged 24.0" Monitor for Console/Tripod Mounting - S Connectors
52.Baytek BPC 724-4K24" TFT DisplayUHD(3840x2160)16:9
4K 24.0" Panel PC
53.Baytek BayQad 92424" TFT DisplayFullHD 1080p (1920x1080)16:9
Rugged 24.0" Stand-alone Data Monitor for Tripod Mounting
54.Baytek BPM 726 GlassFront26" TFT DisplayWUXGA (1920x1200)16:10
Maritime 26.0" GlasFront Monitor for ECDIS &/or Radar Applications
55.Baytek BPM 72626" TFT DisplayWUXGA (1920x1200)16:10
Maritime 26.0" Monitor for ECDIS &/or Radar Applications
56.Baytek BRL 103030" TFT DisplayWQXGA (2560 x 1600)16:10
Rugged 30.0" Monitor for Tripod Mounting - S Connectors
57.Baytek BayPanel 83434" TFT DisplayUWQHD (3440 x 1440)21:9
Rugged 34.0" Widescreen Monitor for Rack-/Console Mounting