burkert 00462697 0407 A3/4 EG BR类型描述型号 0407 是一种带有伺服活塞和强制提升装置的先导式电磁阀,适合温度不超过 +180 °C 的介质。阀门在 0 bar 时即可打开,无需差压作用,在无流量时,阀门会在自身介质压力及弹簧力的作用下关闭。高温版本,zui高至重叠的线圈系统burkert 00462697 0407 A3/4 EG BRType description Model 0407 is a kind of servo piston and guiding type solenoid valve of the forced lifting device, is suitable for the medium temperature shall not exceed + 180 ° C. The valve can be opened at 0 bar without differential pressure, and the valve will be closed under the action of the pressure of the medium and the spring force when there is no flow. High temperature version, highest toOverlapping coil systemsburkert 00462697 0407 A3/4 EG BR本公司以“产品,服务,以客为先”的宗旨,为您提供原装正厂的产品,以合理的性价比,快捷的交货期,热情周到的服务,从而赢得客户的一致赞赏。如果您需要询价,请致电或者发邮件或传真给我,并在上面注明、。请在您的询价单上注明品牌英文拼写、中文品名(传感器、接头或气爪等)、以及数量(数量多少会直接影响产品单价)。